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strawburygrl feels

August 31, 2001 - not a haole diaryring
August 31, 2001 - #158 - fuck tomorrow
August 30, 2001 - #157 - let's bomb India
August 29, 2001 - #156 - MEN ARE LIARS
August 28, 2001 - #155 - i'm a good girl
August 28, 2001 - #154 - i'm an Evil girl
August 27, 2001 - #153 - survey!!!
August 27, 2001 - #152 - reviewed; my brother; google
August 27, 2001 - #151 - Weep for me. I am a lost soul!
August 26, 2001 - #150 - dreams of betrayal
August 25, 2001 - #149 - 8/9/01 Wish, Part #3
August 24, 2001 - #148 - love my mix cd!!!
August 24, 2001 - #147 - redheaded obsession
Friday, Aug. 24, 2001 - #146 - dreaming of sis
Thursday, Aug. 23, 2001 - #145 - "Beggars in Spain"
Thursday, Aug. 23, 2001 - #144 - rain orgasm
2001-08-22 - #143 - 8/9/01 Wish, Part 2
2001-08-22 - #142 - mesmerized by the rain
2001-08-21 - #141 - cozy coyote
2001-08-21 - i still love google!
2001-08-20 - #140 - Wish 8/9/01, Part 1
2001-08-20 - #139 - encrypt me BAY-BEE
2001-08-20 - #138 - "Chocolat"
2001-08-20 - #137 - FINALLY a relaxing weekend
2001-08-19 - #136 - hot & sweaty sex with my HUSBAND
2001-08-18 - #135 - i'm really sorry
2001-08-17 - #134 - billie holiday rocks my world
2001-08-16 - #133 - fuck off
2001-08-15 - #132 - "Original Sin"
2001-08-15 - #131 - cheetah hair, hamhawks & migraines, oh my!
2001-08-15 - #130 - internal prejudices again
2001-08-14 - #129 - facing my own prejudices
2001-08-13 - #128 - my best friend's wedding
2001-08-13 - #127 - taking care o' business
2001-08-13 - #126 - weird
2001-08-09 - #125 - ever read Shakespeare to a 5 year old?
2001-08-09 - #124 - Porcelain Beggars
2001-08-08 - #123 - AUGUST 2001 If... Project
2001-08-08 - #122 - i pithy the fool
2001-08-08 - #121 - The Insider
2001-08-08 - #120 - Twenty
2001-08-07 - #119 - Strawburygrl 3.0
2001-08-07 - #118 - you're *such* a slut!
2001-08-06 - #117 - hubby's fantasy ruined
2001-08-06 - #116 - I love google!
2001-08-05 - #115 - "i said goddamn!"
2001-08-05 - #114 - sometimes my head wants to explode
2001-08-03 - #113 - i love you kimmie!
2001-08-03 - #112 - silly lunatic woman
2001-08-02 - #111 - paranoid!
2001-08-02 - #110 - paranoid?
2001-08-02 - Cast List
2001-08-01 - #109 - "bacon's goooood"

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