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#139 - encrypt me BAY-BEE
2001-08-20 @ 7:59 p.m.


today is a good day. spent all day helping boss-lady with our audit. it's always good to feel needed! boss-lady is very sweet. we had 2 lists of invoices this guy wanted to look at the hard copies for, so she took 1 & gave me the other. when I finished before her, I offered to help her look for whatever she hadn't gotten to. laughing at how slow she was, she said it would not be fair to have me do my list & then do hers too because she is so slow. it's like she forgets she's the boss sometimes. only on stuff like workload though. other times, she is most-definitely the boss!

husband was telling me about this poor schmoo from Russia who was arrested in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. seems there is this heinus law that makes it illegal to try to circumvent encryption. but it's not illegal to do this in Russia. he owns a company in Russia that un-encrypts some ebook software that adobe makes. Sweetie says adobe uses the silliest encryption ever, simply shifting all the letters of the alphabet over by 14 letters. he implied that it should be a crime *not* to decrypt their stuff. so Russian dude was speaking at some conference in LV, and adobe asked the FBI to arrest him. even though he broke no laws while he was here. he simply owns the Russian copyright to some Russian de-encryption software. and he was held without bail for like 2 weeks, because they said he could not have a bail hearing until he was transferred to where his court would be, and they took that long to transfer him there. that is soooooo not cool. we're supposed to be more diplomatic than that! christ, we've been bugging countries like china & russia for the past few weeks & months to get our "spies" let go, and then we pull shit like this? how fucking absurd.

anyway, the silly law that he's being charged with (with some silly acronym like "ABC" that I can't remember now) is an evil & quite "heinous" law in my husband's eyes. he says that the courts have always maintained some sort of.. um, fair use or some such term. basically, if you own a cd, you can dub a mix tape for yourself. if you own a tv, you can tape a show to watch later, etc. but this new law takes away this right to "fair use". *sigh* how silly. a few months ago, he was telling me how you can find info on the web to decrypt dvd's. cool. except apparently some new law (this same one?) says "BAD!" so some poor schmoo in Florida or somewhere printed t-shirts with the code on it, and he was arrested. hello, can you say violation of the fucking US CONSTITUTION?!! it's called MOTHER FUCKING FREE SPEECH! i hate republicans.

anyway, this is relevant because i agreed to make a mix cd for a friend. well, i would NEVER do anything illegal. not sweet little angellic me. so when i realized what an evil thing I had done, I immediately destroyed the cd. wouldn't want to get in trouble sending that shit across state-lines, now would we? yah, that's the ticket.

oooo, on a final note, i wanted to wear a skirt today. had not worn my khaki skirt in awhile, so I donned that & then wondered what the hell I would wear with it. put on a khaki campshirt with a black grid pattern on it. felt very mousey in it. so i wore open-toed heeled sandals to show off my deep blood-colored toe nails. was busy printing materials for the audit when galpal co-worker said she liked my outfit. i smiled & said thanks, about to say how I thought I looked way too preppy, when she continued on and said I looked almost "eddie bauer". *sigh* now, eddie bauer is a customer of ours, but somehow I don't think she meant an EB employee. i think she meant i looked like i had been shopping @ EB this weekend. *sigh* won't someone please, please, PLEASE buy those boots for me???


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