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#120 - Twenty
2001-08-08 @ 9:54 a.m.

well guys, I've been dreading it for so long, now that it's here, it doesn't feel so bad! What is "it", you ask, salivating in anticipation. Because I know y'all just lust after every little word-morsel I pack in here, dontcha? Hmph. Most of my hits these days are google-hits, and only THREE of my regulars have signed my gbookie in the past week, after I begged & pleaded not once, but TWICE to take him out of his misery and give him a lil' sugar! Last I checked, there are 20 (holy shit!) of you who list me as a favorite, so what's keepin' ya from signing the guestbook, hmmmm?

*Sigh* For the 3 of you who actually love me & signed the guestbook, I shall continue. I myself hit the 20 mark: of diaries I am now addicted to! woo-hoo! I officially have no life!!

Here she is, Miss America: fatgrrlslim. I read through all her entries (she's been at this for a month), and I love her already! Her site layout is way cool, she's intelligent & amusing, and reminds me of me, right down to the fact that she's a fatgirl down in the trenches for the battle of the bulge! Hopefully, she'll serve as an inspiration & I'll get off my fat ass & head to the gym sometime this week!

May I recommend you start here first? I wanted to steal this image, but thought it would be better if I just linked it, then fatgrrlslim could gain some extra hits from my THREE loyal readers. *sigh*

Next entry: Russell Crowe. God I love him! Until then, it's off to work for moi! Ciao.

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