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#122 - i pithy the fool
2001-08-08 @ 9:11 p.m.


what, you didn't see that coming? puns are my husband's favorite form of humor. he & his friends had them down to an art in high school, somehow managing to have rounds & rounds of pun matches at a time. *sigh* high school... i sooooo wish i was going to the reunion. i can't believe i spent the last 5 years making contacts via websites just to ensure that enough people would be able to locate me so that if the reunion committee couldn't find me, they would. and what happens? my best friend decides to have her wedding on that very day. oh, woe is me! : (

anyway, I love words. i wish i could live off of them. let them roll off my tongue, to fill the air with their weight, then wrap my lips around them and bite in for a chewy, succulent meal. breathe them in, it's heady & sugary & musky all at the same time. the air would become so dense, you could grab it in fistfulls & shove it up your cunt for a good fuck. i want to scroll words along my lovers body, then lick them off, slide my cunt along the words to feed my hungry pussy, feel his cock in me, as i slip around his body, obliterating the words from his skin. yah, i love words.

can you tell i just had sex? mmmmmmmm. i love sex about as much as i love words. could you imagine being able to eat, sleep, drink, & fuck words? life would be pure bliss, all day, every day.

alas, i'm not quite up there with my vocabulary skills though. i get ahead of myself, it seems. when i was a young girl, i began to read novels. adult novels with adult words. i thought that "penis" rhymed with "tennis". oh, the humiliation the first time i said that out loud.

but it just keeps on that way for some reason. i read so much, watch so much television & movies, i soak things up that i don't really get. like "pithy". pithy somehow entered my vocabulary form some tv show or movie where someone said, "what, no pithy comeback?" so i thought pithy meant witty. guess what? it doesn't. *sigh* i finally looked it up today. in the context it was used in in that phrase, it would mean "terse". huh. damn.

i love to look up words in the dictionary, but somehow this is a recurring scene in my life, embarrassing myself with incorrect vocabulary! why? because a) you just take stuff for granted when it rolls off the lips of characters in movies & tv shows; and b) i don't stop & go to the dictionary when i should. i bet alot of this would have been averted if when, at 11, i decided that my 2nd novel would be "interview with the vampire", i had simply sat down with a dictionary next to me as i read. that book sooooo confused the hell out of me, but i loved it anyway. i officially consider myself anne rice's youngest fan, because it was one of my first novels & i was so young. i used to say it was my first novel, trying to obliterate the fact that the first was one of my mother's trashy romances. something about the sea, like "lost at sea" or "sea of love" or "lust for the sea" or some shit like that.

and still, i don't learn from that experience. i should just chain a dictionary to my wrist, and life would be *so* much better.

well, i've rambled on about shit you don't care about for long enough. i just kinda wanted to apologize for making an ass out of myself the other day when i used "pithy" incorrectly in my diary. sorry. oh! a West Wing re-run! all of a sudden, my addiction rears it's ugly head. must. get. fix. now. xox

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