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#301 - Sigmund's in da HOOOOOOWWWSSSS!!!
08/23/2002 @ 2:30 pm

1. What is your current occupation? Is this what you chose to be doing at this point in your life? Why or why not?
I am a bookkeeper for a small computer store. No, it's not, I've just been too scared & lazy to get off my but and do something new.

2. If time/talent/money were no object, what would your dream occupation be?
That's funny. This question is on my survey! Same answer: an astronomer or a floral arranger. I just can't decide!

3. What did/do your parents do for a living? Has this had any influence on your career choices?
My father was a farmer of coffee, macadamia nuts, and cattle. He did odd jobs BADLY in the off seasons. Now he is a landlord. My mother never had much of a career. She's done everything from security guard to convenience store clerk. She has tried nursing school a few times, and is qualified to work in nursing homes, which she has done a few times in her life, but her mental health always deteriorates within a few months of working full time, so she always blows it. This happened with her last job at WalMart, so I believe she is currently unemployed. For most of the time I lived with her, her job was welfare mom, laying in her bed reading. I have never had any desire to do any of the things that either of my parents do, and I don't want to end up like them, so I guess in a way they've influenced me on what NOT to do with my career.

4. Have you ever had to choose between having a career and having a family?
No. But it's become increasingly clear that I would really like to start a family and do that full-time, and leave the 9-5 crap to my husband.

5. In your opinion, what is the easiest job in the world? What is the hardest? Why?
I have no illusions that any job is blissfully easy, although I'm sure that video store clerk is right up there! Hardest? I would say a surgeon or a high school teacher in an inner-city neighborhood. Both require alot of skill & patience and involve life and death situations. But the high school teacher has to worry about their OWN life.

~ * ~

Blah. I'd really like the weekend to start now. I've had enough of work.

Wow! I actually WORKED this week!!!! Who woulda thought it possible??? I've actually had enough to do to keep me moderately busy this entire week. Even the day I went home sick! Don't ask.

It's been a kinda boring week though.

I got my hair cut. Then I went back to get it changed, because I just didn't like it. Actually, that's not really what went down. I had decided to get bangs, and at the last minute chickened out. The next day, I realized the haircut would really look better with bangs. And everyone agrees! It's a much better cut this way. It's still a little severe, but I do really like it! I feel so alternative!

Which was important, since I went out to a "SeaGoth" function this week. I've been hitting the Seattle Goth EzBoard for the past week or so, and there are some nice people in there, so they invited me to attend their "Beach Burn". Basically, they have a fire pit (not a bon fire) to stare at, roast weenies & marshmallows on, etc. Plus fire dancers. Yep, you heard me right. People who like to twirl fire. And not just somebody picking up a stick and saying, whoo, look at me, I can play with fire without getting AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (burned).

They had official batons & shit. One woman who had stuff at each end of a LONG rope that she swung around her like it was a baton, and another woman who used her rope like you'd expect, swinging both ends in tandem. Two fire breathers, and a couple of guys with standard batons. And some people got some amazing shots of it, too.

We were really nervous (I brought Sweetie). In the end, it was much as I expected. Noone was too anxious to talk to us, despite introducing myself to a bunch of people, but no one was mean or rude either. There was one person who looked at me like "who are YOU" when I sat next to him at the fire, but later he was nice to me, so that kind of cancelled him out. *sigh* And I didn't meet ONE of the people who'd been nice to me on the board, even though some of them were supposedly there. So, probably last time I go out on a limb like that to meet people.

Have also spent some of the week conversing with Heather. She is painfully slow with her responses (24 hours minimum, *sigh*), but we're getting there. I decided to open up to her earlier this week, and relayed the shortened tale of R. to her. She was pretty judgemental when she wrote back, which was a real eye opener. Here I am, working my tail off not to judge others, something that I remarked about in that specific email to her, and she made some comments that had me going all defensive in my response back. *sigh* I know this isn't going to be perfect, and it's going to be a miracle if we get to be friends like we once were, but I'm willing to stick it out if I can have another person to put in the "friends" column. Not too many of them right now. And it's not like her comments were out of line, it's just that it's SOOO in the past now, I wasn't expecting her response. Y'know, I even remarked how happy I am now and that it's been over forever, and yet she still freaked on me. Weird.

My other friend, my internet friend AJ in SD or ND, I can never remember which, is probably in the hospital right now. Today was a planned-surgery day for her. I told her that although I don't pray, I was doing some worrying on her behalf instead. She found that amusing and said that would do. She was a little nervous herself, but is thinking about the future, and hopes that this will solve some of her more serious physical ailments. Anyway, my thoughts are with her today.

Not much else to report. My dreams haven't been that bad lately, although for some reason I've dreamed about all my aunts on my father's side, and a slew(?sp) of cousins from Hawaii as well. Weird. Haven't thought about them in ages and POP! there they are! Last night was kinda interesting, about a meteor hitting the ocean right off the coast of Hawaii and, of course, that's where we were. They were predicting it would raise the temperature to 210F for a few minutes when it hit, so everyone was going down to their basements with ice and fans to wait it out. How weird is that? Guess where this bit of imagery came from? If you guess TV, you would be correct! That silly movie with David Duchovny called "Evolution" was on cable last night, so I decided to see if it was any good. It wasn't horrible, it was kinda funny. And I got to see DD's ass. Oddly, it was not impressive. hmph.

Oh, there is one more *slightly* interesting thing to report. The Laurell K. Hamilton Fan Club is sending Sigmund on vacation. Sigmund being Anita Blake's favorite stuffed penguin in the series. So there is no REAL Sigmund (I don't think), but they're sending out little guys in his place to various people to take their photos with him and send him to the next address on the list. Guess who got him FIRST???! Yep, that would be me. We'll probably hit the Space Needle to get a photo of him at the paramount icon of Seattle. hehe. I'm just sad he didn't arrive a day earlier, so I could've taken him to the goth Beach Burn!

Anyway, sorry for the boring entry folks. Maybe when I get back from Las Vegas, I'll have more interesting tales to tell. ie: my quest to track down Tawny and have her hump my lap all over again. ::sweet, sweet sigh::

ps: how come only TWO of my readers have filled out my survey??? Go answer my survey now!!!!!!!!!! :)

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