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#296 - "Speaking of tattooes and Ralph Fiennes"
08/08/02 @ 3:11 pm

I love movies. I wish I could spend all my days just watching movies. I would kill to be paid as a movie reviewer. I've started writing regular reviews for the Forum I visit. Mostly just for anime as I try to watch as much out there as I can (an impossible task if you find a good video store), but also regular movies as well. This weekend we're going to go out to the movies for the first time in awhile, and I can't wait. Husband brought up 3 movies we both want to see, so I'm really excited. We've been cooped up in the house for weeks on end because he's been so stressed from one of his work projects, and now that the deadline part of his work has been completed, he can relax and have a life again.

If anyone is curious, "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust" and "Escaflowne" are the best anime movies I've seen so far. They're both wonderful, in their own way. Don't both watching "Blood The Last Vampire". It's not worth the price of the rental, since it's less than an hour long: a fact I wish I'd noticed BEFORE I rented it.

Part of me wishes I could just watch animated movies for the rest of my life. Some of them are just that amazing. But this weekend I caught the middle part of "Sunshine" on cable, and I was just astounded by it all over again. I don't think I should ever meet Ralph Fiennes in person, because I would probably fall into a quivering mass of goo onto the floor. He is that phenomenal in almost everything he's ever done. Sweetie was walking through the room when Ralph was giving one of his spectacular oratories, and husband remarked, "He's playing a Jew? Really? Kind of ironic, don't you think? He's a Jew."

Yes, Sweetie, I'm pretty sure the entire world, including you, heard how ironic I found this, since he played such a nasty fucking Nazi in Schindler's List.

One disturbing thing about Ralph is that he likes to have sex with most of his clothes on in movies. Seen him rape a few times like this, which is disturbing, and oddly compelling because it's so similar to love scenes in his other movies. There I go again, dancing on the border between the erotic and the horrifyig sides of rape. I won't go into what a bizarre fucking childhood I've had to create this possibility in me. But those of you who find it distasteful that I can find rape erotic should read some of my other entries. I find it pretty distasteful myself. And yet, it's a part of me.

Anyway, movies this weekend. Yay! Will probably see "Signs" and "Men in Black II". Husband wants to see that Russian Sub movie "K-19", but I have commanded since seeing "Wind Talkers" and "The Sum of All Fears", that no matter how tame it appears, I will no longer watch war movies. Period. So we'll probably see "XXX" instead. Gotta love a movie starring Vin Diesel that sounds like it's porn. Because pretty much any movie with Vin Diesel in it is Straburygrl Porn!!! I mean, the man has tattooes all over him in this movie!!! ::slobber::

Speaking of tattooes and Ralph Fiennes, Ralph is playing the big nasty in the prequel to "The Silence of the Lambs" titled "Red Dragon." Oddly enough, another film where my dichotomy about rape will rear it's ugly head, and Ralph is the defiler in question. How strange is that? Maybe I need to stop watching Ralph Fiennes movies? We'll see after I catch "Red Dragon" how fucked up it makes me before making any decisions. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be completely unsure if I'm repulsed or excited by Ralph being the bad guy in this film? Yah, I am sooo fucked up.

When I heard the other day that one of our customers is laying off 45 people, I suddenly felt selfish. Selfish that I'm not content that my husband and both have jobs that afford us to rent a nice apartment and eat out whenever we like. A house isn't everything. Being bored at work isn't a horrible tragedy. At least I have a job.

But once again I am jealous of those who are making a positive change in their lives. Did I mention a week or two ago, my regular banker told me he was moving to California? His wife got a job teaching down there, where they have a program that allows her to teach and get her certificate to teach at the same time. So he got a new job down there and they were on their way!

Similarly, a co-worker just let me know that he and his wife are moving to California. Once again, the wife lands her dream job making bank and working with kids while the husband is gleefully following her, because he can live off of her for awhile if he doesn't immediately land a groovy job. I wish that could happen for us.

Moving scares me though. And moving to California sounds like a nightmare. But the local job market SUCKS. Does our future lie in California? I wish it was that easy.

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