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#295 - wherein i was really bored yesterday
08/08/02 @ 3:04 pm

I dreamed about The West Wing again. hehe. I was part of the staff, and we had all been kidnapped and held captive on this huge tanker ship. When by some fluke Tobey got through to the people looking for us, they told us that they'd been looking for us for 48 weeks. Is it really possible to miss spotting a tanker ship for 48 weeks??? Especially one with the president on board, so every damn boat and plane in the nation would be out searching?

Anyway, that was the only part with them. But I was still on the boat later. Or a boat. In shark infested waters, of course. And someone jumped off to be chased by a shark. The most terrifying looking shark I've ever seen, with this huge fucking tail, so it looked more like a damn eel than a shark. Well, except for the giant shark head and mouth and TEETH. And then, bless his heart, guess what my husband did? He jumped in to. Yay. Grr. They were trying to swim to another part of the boat or something. OF COURSE as soon as he was in the water a Great White popped up right behind him.

Evil, evil dreams. I forgot to ask my shrink on Monday if there really is a drug that prevents dreams. Husband thinks that's just a concoction of the Friday the 13th movies. I'm inclined to believe him. But I still want to ask. My dreams are just driving me nuts lately. I can't remember the last time I had a happy one. Or, fuck, how about a boring, benign one for a change???

"May you live in interesting times." It's supposedly an ancient curse, Asian I think. Life can't be all bad when it's interesting though, right? I spend so much of my time at work being bored. B. O. R. E. D. Blah. I hate it. I have come to the conclusion that I spend so much time procrastinating by using the web because I'm afraid of what will happen when I actually finish EVERYTHING. When I finish all my tasks, THEN what will I do? So I thought about this. I guess they could make me help customers or answer the phones. I think I'd rather poke out my own eyes with a dull knife. Yuck. Customers.

I would so much rather just sit at home every day and just be with my husband. Then I would be happy. Wouldn't I? Or would I get bored? Would utopia be boring? Do we need work and pain and scarey stuff to make us appreciate the lulls, the time off, the sweet? I don't know.

But fuck. I'd like to try. *sigh* I'm bored now. But I'd rather be bored at home where there are at least some less-boring possibilities, than bored here where the alternatives are truly icky.

So lets talk about words. A few days ago, I saw proofrok's response in someone's diary survey, that he thought the weirdest word in the English language was "chicken". My husband would agree. He has an obsession with the word chicken.

Me, I sometimes look at a word and go WHOA, that looks funky. Do you ever stare at a word so long, usually when you're trying to figure out how to spell it, that eventually no matter what you do, it just looks WRONG? I do that sometimes. I haven't in awhile, so I can't think of some of the really weird words. But "know" came up the other day. Why the FUCK is there a "k" in there? My most beloved comedian, Eddie Izzard, can't fathom the word "through". You pronounce the word "rough" as "ruff". But "through" is pronounced "thru". And that's just cheating at scrabble!

Weird consonant combos like that are pretty messed up, don't you think? God, I'm boring you guys. I should go get a word of the day for you. One that will actually stump Gwen this time. Let's see...

OK, I was going to do "recondite", but then thought that surely Gwen would know it, and then I would just be showing that I was an idiot with no vocabularly. (FYI, it means "pertaining to or dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter")

So how about this: recto. Nope, it's not a prefix!!! It's an ACTUAL WORD!!! And it has nothing to do with the rectum, so there...

Oh, you wanna know what it means, huh?

Are you sure?

Are you begging? Are you pleading?

Are you sure you completely racked your brains?

Asked your mate?

Called your mom?

Are you SURE you don't know what recto is?

OK, I'll tell you....

Maybe later.


OK, I'm done stalling.

Still wanna know?


Here it is.

recto (noun): a right-hand page of an open book or manuscript; the front of a leaf

Ha! Did I getcha? Did I???????

Hey, at least I'm trying to keep you guys marginally entertained. When I first started keeping diaries around the age of 11, they were for the most part about how fucking bored I was because it was summer and I had nowhere to go, nothing to do, and noone to do anything with. Pretty pathetic. Now at least I can poke around the net in between comments in here, looking for something at least partially of interest to jot down here. Then again, maybe not. Maybe I should just fold this up and call it a day. ::le sigh::

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