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#267 - a crash at mid-entry
03/26/02 @ 1:42 pm

Domestic terrorism stemming from racism is so much scarier than strangers from other countries coming over to bomb you. It's terrorizing for people you don't know to say they hate you and want to kill you, hence the word. But what can be scarier than someone you know, someone who lives next door, someone who looks like you, blowing things up. Killing people. Threatening people. Burning crosses in the yards of your other neighbors???

Some idiot down south, I think they said Tallahassee, drove his fucking truck into a Mosque yesterday. Fuck. They say no one was hurt. How can people get like that? I don't know how people in Israel and Palestine and Ireland can live the way they do, knowing that the next time they go to the market or a nightclub, one of the people next to them might be carrying explosives. That's fucking insane. It's one thing for Americans to start getting paranoid about everyone who looks Middle Eastern. That's fucked up. But what about Jim Bob next door? What the fuck do you do when he's the terrorist? All of your paranoia aimed at the Jews or Muslims down the street isn't going to protect you & your family when Jim Bob decides to blow up the local government building's daycare center. What is this world coming to?

Last night I watched Boston Public's repeat of the "N-word Episode". It was hard to watch, and so eye-opening as well. One of the things that bugged the fuck out of me about R. was that he had no idea what it was like to be American, and so he had no sensitivity about the N-word. Apparently, they use it all the fucking time where he comes from. ::shiver:: I just couldn't explain to him how wrong that was. The episode was amazing, because it summed everything up so well. My internal squeamishness at the word warring with my internal dialogue that knows that it's just a word, and what the hell is the problem. There is no way for a white person to comprehend what that word has single-handedly done to African-Americans. It's so hard for white people to comprehend Institutional Racism, and the need for Affirmative Action to combat it. It takes a firm understanding of the N-word to get institutional racism. And still, I can never know. Harsh. It was a brilliant episode.

On a lighter note, I love Ian McClellan. He is the man. I won my husband's Oscar Office Pool by choosing Jim Broadbent over Ian in the Best-Supporting Actor category, because Jim's role was so much more serious. And I loved Moulin Rouge. But Ian is fucking brilliant and just YAY!!! I know I talked alot about seeing him on Saturday Night Live last weekend, but did I mention how he introduced Kylie Minogue? And how he sat on the corner of the stage and wiggled his butt and clapped his hands with a big grin on his face during her performance? I've never seen a host of SNL do that before. And there he was, holding hands with his boyfriend on Oscar night on national television. Forget Rosie, he is my favorite gay icon and role-model at the moment. He's fucking brilliant and lovely and funny and witty. And he has the best smile. He just looks fucking deliriously happy all the time. Amazing. I wish I could give him a big kiss and congratulate him on whatever he's got that makes him so happy. Probably that yungin' he was sitting next to on Sunday night!

Also on a lighter note, I saw Blade II this weekend.

You know what's depressing? Steamed green-beans. Yesterday I had the strangest urge for Gramma's vinegar beans. Earlier today, for Hawaiian sweet potatoes. Oddly enough, I'm sitting down to a lunchcicle with steamed green-beans (boooooring!) and peppered sweet potatoes. Who the fuck puts pepper on sweet potatoes??? That's like... pepper on lemon meringue pie. Or something... I'm not thinking too well right now.

This crash hit really hard, really fast, and quite oddly. It started with tremors. Usually it starts with hunger or a light-headedness/loopiness comboed with hunger. I've never started with tremors and still not felt hungry. Hello weirdness. I wonder if the tremors are just in my mind. They're not very visible. But they're there. I can type, but I'm having trouble finding the right keys.

I like turkey. I'm just not a fan of Healthy Choice turkey. Their sliced sandwich turkey is bland. So is any entree they make with turkey. How depressing. Like fucking steamed green beans. Pardon me if I blabber. I'm not thinking too straight right now. Light-headed and all...

My book comes out today. Finally!!! I like Anita Blake much more than Merry Gentry, but I have about another year to hear from AB, so I'll take Merry for now. She has more sex anyway. Laurell really likes her "hisems", or male harems. So do I. I wish I had one of my very own. I still think I'd do very well in a polyamorous relationship where I was the center. But my husband would not. And I'm happy with husband. So there.

Red roasted potatoes are good with pepper though. I don't usually eat pepper. Don't really like the stuff. But these are some good potatoes. Healthy Choice can do something right.

I had an odd dream last night. Something about being a local super-hero for my neighborhood. The bad guys were some group who went around the neighborhood stealing people's pets. A government agent came in to show me the ropes. We learned to climb walls like a spider, like the vampires in Blade in their ninja suits. Together we raided the bad-guys' hide-out. There was this corner that we found where they were going to chain up me and my kid (I had a kid; I think I was Jodie Foster in the Panic Room at this point...) But not only were we going to be chained, but they were going to stuff this corrugated pipe into our mouths to feed us oxygen. But when we got upstairs and found all the puppies, we realized they were going to feed little miniature puppies down our throats until we choked to death. Gross. I woke up thinking it must be much scarier to be kidnapped and chained down and raped then just a random, quick attack. Being held down terrifies me.

Anyway, the secret-agent guy was quite cute. And Irish. And I think he was supposed to be the spy-guy on The American Embassy. I am now addicted to that show, after 2 showing. Argh. Like I'm not addicted to enough TV shows!!!

This weekend we went up to a cabin owned by a friend of the family's. My husband, his brother, and their father went skiing, while me and his mother stayed at the cabin being bored. I really wanted to have a nice weekend at home to clean, do the taxes, and play Neopets. Oh well. We had a nice time. That night we went out to the Green Water Coffee Shop. Which is not a coffee shop, but a gourmet restaurant in the sticks. Weird. The food was yummie.

On Sunday we went and saw Blade II, which tired me out after not getting enough rest or food that morning. Mom-in-law made bacon and eggs, and I don't like eggs. Bah.

Anyway, Blade II was pretty excellent. I still prefer the first one, but it's quite unusual to like a sequel, so I was happily impressed. Plus, the chick who played Nyssa was fucking hot. I want dots tattooed over my eyebrows just like her. And Ron Perlman was a fucking excellent bad guy, once again. Him and the French guy and the dreadlocked guy were the only redeeming qualities about Alien 4. Ron Perlman has had to do alot to stop being "The Beast" in my mind, but he's done it. He's a fucking huge bad-ass that I love to hate. Excellent.

Um, then there were the Oscars, which I think I already mentioned. Halle Berry is so beautiful. I really want to see Monster's Ball now, dispite Billy Bob being in it. Ick. How can Angelina be married to that??? Ick. Of course, now I have to see Training Day too. *sigh* I've heard it kicked butt, but I really didn't want to see it anyway. Now I have to, dammit. And Iris, coz Jim Broadbent won and is so cool. And Lillies of The Field. I always thought Sidney Poitier won for "To Sir, With Love", but I was wrong. Lillies of The Field sounds religious, and there was a clip with him singing with nuns, so I know I'm going to hate it, like Porgy and Bess, but I need to try. Just to see Sidney, who's fucking brilliant. If you don't like musicals, you should grit your teeth and suffer through Porgy and Bess, just to see Sidney at action. If you like musicals, you may like it anyway. I like musicals, and I really didn't like it. Oh well.

Well, I seem to have run out of things to say. You may not hear from me again for a few days, since I'm going to go pick up my book after work, and refuse to emerge from it until I'm done. Well, except for work. Maybe...

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