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#246 - Jack & Julia
12/18/01 @ 9:44 am

I had the most fascinating dream this morning! It started with the death of our father. I was a princess, with 2 brothers. Except, they were not really my brothers. I was really the King's neice, Julia, and he adopted me when I was very little and my parents died. And now it was the King who had died.

I was quite good friends with the brother Jack, and we were together in the room when the King died. I don't think the king was a very good man, because he was being played by my Step-Grandpig from real life. Ewwww...

I'm not sure why, but Jack and I searched the King's body for the Royal Coins. We found six of them between us. Then we stopped and moved away, as we heard the eldest brother approaching. I can't remember his name, but I'm sure it was something regal & stuffy, so I'll just call him Robert.

Robert got down on his knees to weep over his father's body, as I slowly back up and put my 4 Royal Coins into my dresser drawer. Why the King had died in my room, I have no idea.

Then Robert stood up and displayed that he had retrieved the 7th Royal Coin from the King, and he declared himself King because of it. It seems he didn't know that there were 6 other coins.

At this point, I went away for awhile on some trip. When I got back, there was some sort of ball for me, because I had been away for months or something. But Jack & I slipped out together early, to go visit my 4 coins. He added his 2 coins to the stash, as we debated whether or not to move the stash somewhere. It was during this conversation that we began to grow attracted together.

This is when it got quite strange though (dreams tend to do that!). Jack quickly explained to me that the single coin that Robert had seemed to have some sort of power, and it told Robert that there was a threat to his Kingship. A threat from a woman named Tiffany, who seems to have been that chick from the 80s named Tiffany who sang "I Think We're Alone Now." Yikes!

This became immediately relevant, when a guard ran in and asked if Tiffany was there with us. I quickly said no, she went that way, and off he ran. That was when Jack got very nervous. He said that although Robert's coin told him about Tiffany, it had never told him where Tiffany was before. And now that it was, maybe if I was in the same room with the coin, it would clear up the conclusion and point to me instead of Tiffany.

So Jack bundled me up and sent me out and away for awhile. I'm not quite sure what happened next, but I do remember making a phone call to Jack, which he answered on his cell phone (I could see him, because it was a dream). He was with the King & his advisors, trying to track down the evil Tiffany, but Jack didn't want to be there, so he was very happy to hear from me.

At some point, Jack took me to some resort temple. It was supposed to be a temple for worship, but seemed to be more like a spa resort, because we were treated to all sorts of strange spa activities. The last of which was to be tied down while we were given a hair cut by a bear. Um, semi-wild bears that were known to kind of injure their clients. The stronger a man you were, the bigger & meaner the bear was that you were given. Jack was told to be brave, because although it was the meanest bear he'd get, the bear had only bitten through the arms of a few people, and torn off a limb of just one. Yep, it was definitely a dream!

After the bear hair cuts, it was time to leave. This is where I got nervous and clingy. Seems the temple had become an underwater temple. Jack, being Royalty, had his Royal Escort to take him home. Me, incognito, did not have any escort, so I had to leave with all the others. We were given jet-pack thingees and were expected to slip into the water and make our way to shore alone. Well, not really alone, since there was a big group of us, but there wasn't anyone designated to show us the way or help us if we couldn't figure out the jet pack. I was scared stiff, & didn't want Jack to leave without me, but he had to.

Luckily for dreams, I didn't have to go through this, as the dream fast forwarded to me afterwards, back at the castle, and sitting down to breakfast with the King, Robert, my "brother". He didn't seem to know that I was gone at all, so maybe Jack had been making excuses for me every time Robert asked to see me? Anyway, he told me that Tiffany had been spotted at a water temple, so he had sent his soldiers to hide out at the entrance to get her, and he was very pleased with himself.

I became very concerned for Jack. Thinking that they had somehow got him too. That's when I knew I loved him. When he walked in to join us for breakfast, I was so relieved. After breakfast, the 2 of us went off together, and went into some room where we could talk.

Jack asked me what happened at the temple, and I told him it was horrible. For some reason, I knew that something bad was about to happen, so when we were all launched from the temple, I didn't move, just floated with the jetsam. The worshippers, however, were quickly on their way, turning on their jetpacks and trying to make it to shore. And they were all slaughtered by the King's men. Every last one of them.

I was horrified, that the King would order the slaughter of worshippers. I told Jack that we had to do something, and he agreed. We had to somehow get the 7th Coin away from Robert, and then Jack would become King.

Strange dreamy stuff happened after that. Like the scene where Robert was suspicious of me, so he showed me old photographs of his relatives, and demanded that I identify these people. When I tried to reason with him that at the time the pictures were taken I hadn't even been born yet and they were HIS aunts & uncles anyway, he just didn't understand.

There was a *very* odd scene where Jack & I went away together again, and as we left we had to hang from some strange conveyer-belt system with a bunch of toys. He was 2 rows over from me, and tried to grab me with an umbrella, so we could hold hands. When that didn't work, we started swinging about like trapeze artists to get to each other, and that's when the strange ballet music came on, and disco lights too, like we were giving some sort of performance.

But finally things came to a head. Robert was very suspicious that Jack & I were always going off alone together. He pointed out the time that Jack had taken my call on his cell phone, and how he had been too eager to hear from me and abandon his King. Jack and I kind of stood there, looking nervous, we kind of backed away and hid out in another room to think about what we were going to do. We told each other we loved each other for the first time, and there was much kissing and tenderness.

That was when I got my idea. Robert thought we had a secret, and we assumed he thought it was that I was Tiffany & Jack was plotting with me against him. So that was true, so what? But we had *another* secret, and since Robert didnt' really know anything, we would reveal a secret, and it would explain everything.

So I walked out of the room holding Jack's hand, and announced that Jack & I were in love. Jack was a little nervous at first, but when I murmured to him that this would be perfect, because it would throw Robert off of our trail, he was very happy. In fact, he announced to his brother that it was true, and he wanted to marry me.

Well, I didn't have much chance to revel in this, because Robert immediately became furious. I'm not sure why, but our little plan backfired, because for some strange reason Robert didn't want us together. Suddenly, there was a 3rd brother, and Robert wanted me to marry him.

So I looked over, and there was this gross, fat, plain man. So dumb and fat that he was sitting there chowing down, being rather disgusting about it, right there in the King's court. Ick.

I refused. Jack was dumbfounded, not sure what the hell Robert's problem was. I ran away, and Jack came with me. We were cornered in a tower, where Robert again demanded I marry the 3rd brother. I shouted back that I would rather die, and turned to eye the sheer drop in front of me, down into a canyon created by a massive waterfall. Yep, that would definitely be death.

Jack said he would go with me, and we began to climb the steps to the edge. At the last minute I turned and told Robert that I was serious. If he demanded that I marry the slob, Jack & I would jump, and wouldn't it be better if he let us live, and marry and be happily in love?

And that's when I woke up. I love dreams like this! I wanted to immediately go back to sleep and find out what happened next, but it was my husband who woke me up, to kiss me goodbye, which meant it was time to get my butt out of bed and get ready for work. Grrrrr!!!!!!

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