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#183 - 100 things about me
September 19, 2001 @ 8:17 pm


Gwenllian wrote up "100 Things About Me". I wanted to do the same, but I wasn't feeling very creative. So I took her points and warped them into my own. With a few complete replacements, and also a few that are exactly the same as her answers! If something doesn't make sense, please tell me in the guestbook. My headache has slowly been turning into a migraine as I worked on this.

100 things I don't think most of you know about me:

1. I love sweaters, but I can't wear them often - I get hot VERY easily, and start sweating like a dog in anything with long sleeves.

2. My ears are double-pierced. So? I did the 2nd piercing myself. With a little sewing needle. And some ice. The first one took about a 1/2 hour. The second one about 3 minutes. No, it *wasn't* fun.

3. I have only ever lived in 1 little town in Hawaii, or Washington state. We bounced around alot when I was a kid, my parents undecided between states.

4. I went to high school with Zoe McClellan. She was on the TV show "Sliders", played "Girl #4" in Mr. Holland's Opus, and I'm convinced she will never work again after starring in that HORRIBLE movie "Dungeons & Dragons". Her family still lives 2 houses down from my Sweetie's parents' house.

5. I "met" Anne Rice at a local book signing. She is a goddess. I asked her how to pronounce Lestat. I was pronouncing it Lest-et, emphasis on the 1st syllable. The movie completely slaughtered it with "Les-stat", emphasis on the 2nd syllable. She pronounced it all Frenchy: "Leu-stawt", emphasis on the 2nd syllable. She made the word up, so she's entitled to pronouncing it her way.

6. I had never been stood up until I started conversing with R. He did it all the time.

7. I graduated high school with a 3.5... gpa. I spent my freshman year at the Evergreen State College where they have no grades. No grades meant having to take almost 1 year extra at the UW to make up for it. I graduated with about a 2.0 or something. It would have been worse if I hadn't gotten a 3.9 and my first 4.0 my last quarter there.

8. I have never met anyone who shares my name. Betcha a million dollars you haven't either. Er, actually I was named after my grandmother. I haven't met anyone other than her who has the same 1st name as me.

9. I like driving at night if I'm on a lonely road and the stars are out. Being in traffic at night scares me.

10. Until I met my husband, I had only ever been in all the states on the West Coast, except Alaska. Since then, we have travelled to Florida, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, & New Jersey.

11. I had only ever been out of the country to visit Canada, until my Sweetie & I went to Jamaica on our honeymoon. Still have not had a need to get a passport!

12. My favorite peanut butter is Skippy Crunchy. I love it on English muffins the best.

13. When I apply myself, I'm a good cook. I follow directions real well anyway. Just ask me how often I apply myself?

14. I love silver jewelry and can't stand gold. I thought silver would look funny with diamonds, so I have a gold wedding band set. About 2 months after we bought it, I fell in love with how spectacular platinum sets look. I've been lusting after them ever since.

15. I don't have an artistic bone in my body. I can't draw or sing or play an instrument to save my life. I do like to color in coloring books when I get a chance though. I think I have a good eye when it comes to art.

16. I have written about 80% of a novel. I don't think it will ever be published because there isn't a market for a romance novel written by someone with a giant potty-mouth like me.

17. I know a whole fuck-load about vampire legends. I want to be one, after all. Laurell K. Hamilton's version of becoming a vampire sounds the least painful.

18. I used to be Catholic. I was baptised and even confirmed in that religion. I had problems with the church since I was very young. Who knows? I might not have become an atheist eventually if they hadn't been a bunch of hypocritical, holier-than-thou assholes.

19. I was forced to take Music class in Jr. High. I was in Hawaii. We had lessons in the Ukelele. I thought I was doing well. I was out for a week sick. When I came back, everyone was playing the song I had learned before I left COMPLETELY different than I was. I never caught up and almost failed the class.

20. I'm pretty much arachnaphobic. How's this for irrational fear: I think they have a plot to eat me. All spiders. Together. Forming an intricate network of spies to watch my every move and devour me when I let me guard down.

21. I won 1st prize for my age group in 4th grade for a school-wide art contest. They announced over the intercom that they didn't have enough entries for my grade. So my teacher sent me down to the office with my most recent art project: a collage of colored construction paper to look like a hamburger. I was embarrassed to death to have won anything. I think my hamburger was competing against maybe 3 other things in my age group.

22. Starting in the 6th grade, I became an awesome student in English. But in 9th grade, my last trimester English teacher got pissed at me because when I found out I was getting an A+++ out of his class, I just didn't complete the research paper he assigned to the class. It was the 3rd that year or something. So he refused to sign the form to allow me into advanced English when I got up to High School.

23. Regular high school English in 10th grade was a JOKE. I was in a class with a bunch of stoners that didn't seem to know how to read above a 5th grade reading-level. I wrote a stupid book-report about a Mozart auto-biography written for 12 year olds (the only one the school had), and my teacher was so impressed, he showed it to the head of his department. She asked him if I plagarized it. He told her no, he had seen me working on it. He signed the form to let me into Advanced English for 11th Grade.

24. The first paper I wrote in 11th Grade Advanced English class, I got 102 out of 100 points. I have been in love with Mr. Juvik ever since. I wanted to photocopy that thing and plaster it all over the school. Send it to that dumbass 9th grade teacher who refused to let me go into advanced. Shove it up the ass of the head of the English department who accused me of plagarism. And force it down the throats of all the rich snobs who automatically got into advanced and then didn't do SHIT while they were there.

25. I can't stand talking to people I don't know. My husband and I fight over who has to order the pizza this time. Why? Because we're intimidated with talking over the phone with strangers.

26. One of the many times my parents were separated, my father showed up while me and my mom and my baby sister were at my Aunt's house. He had my brother with him, and said he had a gun to my brother's head. My cousin said he wished his dad would come home and shoot him. I was terrified both of and for my father.

27. My favorite drink so far is a Smith & Wesson. I believe it's Kalua, cream, and coke. You can barely taste the alcohol.

28. I hate beer and anything that tastes remotely like alcohol. Including wine, wine coolers, pretty much everything but Red Robin alcoholic milkshakes.

29. I have only ever been drunk twice. It's very difficult to do when you don't like alcohol, so you can sip the same damn drink over the course of an evening.

30. My favorite cereal is Fruity Pebbles. I still have fond memories of Strawberry Shortcake cereal and Waffle-O's. Those were my favorites when they were around.

31. My favorite dessert is Creme Brulee.

32. I hate, hate, HATE seafood. Except for shrimp. I have been known to enjoy breaded shrimp every couple of years.

33. I suffer from migraines. Including right now.

34. I have a "photographic" memory. I don't know what the classical definition is, but I often see words in my mind during conversation, or see the word for things that I'm looking at kinda superimposed over it. But mostly, I say I have a "photographic" memory because I memorize things by taking a mental photograph of the page they're written on. When I take a test, I remember the answers because I remember exactly what the cheat sheet looked like when I studied. At least that's what I do for names & dates.

35. I used to be very romantic and buy the man in my life flowers and cards spontaneously. But the men I've been with have been increasingly un-romantic. So I just don't do it anymore.

36. I wish I had a sewing machine. I took a home ec class in Jr. High and using that thing was a breeze. I could modify alot of clothes that I've been forced to give away to charity if I had a sewing machine.

37. I tried cross-stiching once. Making the little "x"s all over was easy. Then they wanted me to do other shit & I just gave up. My project is still in it's hoop, sitting abandoned next to the couch in the same place I always left it in between sessions when I worked on it 2 years ago.

38. I can't stand late-night television. Occassionally, Saturday Night Live is funny. Alec Baldwin & Canteen Boy was hilarious!

39. I was student of the month in May of my 6th grade year. I got straight A's in first trimester 9th grade. I wore an "honor chord" for graduation, and won 3 scholarships for freshman year at college.

40. I hate most vegetables, and peppers make me REALLY sick.

41. I wanted to go to Stanford when I was in high school. Why? Because they had the coolest college sweatshirt.

42. I always have to buy shoes too big for my feet because they're too wide. I always thought I was an 8.5W. Then I went to the "King" of shoestores, Nordstroms, and they measured my feet and told me I am a size 8, DOUBLE WIDE. Oh, the HORROR!

43. I have hair on my big toes.

44. I have always had the fattest fingers of any woman I've ever met. Including my mother, who is 2 inches taller than me and usually 20-150 pounds heavier than me.

45. I'm not telling you how much I weigh, so you can go to hell.

46. Me, my brother, my sister, and all of our cousins on my mother's side were born with blonde hair with blue eyes. We all now have brown hair. My sister's hair got a little muddy, but is still blonde when she doesn't dye it. My baby brother is the only child among us cousins born with brown hair or brown eyes. He has stayed that way.

47. I have only ever kissed 4 boys. But I've slept with all of them.

48. I have always loved to sing, and in my head I try to mimic whatever the person on the radio sounds like. I think I do pretty damn good, until I sing a second too long and hear only my voice and I sound like a screeching, warbley cat.

49. I don't understand why "conservatives" think being a "liberal" is bad. Being a liberal means all opinions are important and should be heard. Isn't there something in the constitution about that?

50. I love learning about new cultures. Half the fun of traveling is learning the history and culture and architecture of an area. I've never considered going to Turkey, but a co-worker just got back, and it struck me that he got to see Hagia Sophia. God! The biggest church in the world!

51. New Orleans and New York are the only places in the US that I haven't been to that I really care to see. I really want to travel internationally.

52. When I was young, I used to claim that I loved all music except opera, and now that I've *heard* opera, I really like it. I really want to actually go to an opera sometime.

53. Christian Zionism: "a movement, largely among Gentile Christians, supporting the right of the Jewish people to return to the Promised Land." I agree with the spirit of this statement, but not the reality. I don't believe that Israel should be allowed to exclude Palestinians. Palestinians need a home too.

54. My favorite movie of all time used to be "When Harry Met Sally". I've seen it probably 30 times. I could probably recite dialog, but I've never tried.

55. Garlic is the food of the gods.

56. I went to a Vacation Bible School once. We made crafts all day and met once a day in the church for prayer. That was when I learned I had a problem with closing my eyes while I stood up. I kept trying to fall over.

57. I went to the state capital with friends during my Junior year of high school to support our teachers on strike.

57. I have never had a minimum wage job. I have never worked in food service or retail.

58. I didn't wear a bra until I was 11. I needed one starting at age 9.

59. My favorite Duran Duran song is "Secret Oktober". The Heathers and I formed a Duran Duran fan club right before I turned 12.

60. My favorite band that my mother listened to while I was growing up that I wish I owned at least one cd of now: Credence Clearwater Revival.

61. I used to feign sickness to get out of PE. I *hated* PE.

62. I have never broken a bone.

63. My mother gave me all my haircuts until I was in the 5th grade. The year I asked for bangs was a nightmare.

64. When I was 12, I started looking through my hair to see how many colors I could find. My hair is naturally brown. Mousey brown. I found: brown, black, orange, blonde, white, and gray. Ever since, I have found about 1 gray hair every couple of months. I yank them out of my head.

65. My dentists always tell me I have beautiful, straight, white teeth. I've never had braces. I had 2 cavities when I was 14. None before, none since. Then I had no dental coverage between the ages of 18 and 27. When I went in last year, about 1/2 of my mouth had to be worked on. I now hate dentists.

66. There was one class in college that I attended 1 "seminar" for (meet 1 time a week in small discussion groups) and *maybe* 2 lectures. I showed up for every test. I faked the tests. I was looking forward to finding out how well I did based on those fake answers (all multiple choice!!), but despite not taking attendance, I was given an Incomplete. I think maybe I missed a test or something along the way...

67. I tried as hard as I could not to work during college. Finally, my 3rd year, I had to take on work-study. It was a great experience. I worked there for 2-3 years & learned alot.

68. I love juice. Dole Orange Pineapple. I have been known to drink so much juice, that my stomach hurts from being too full. And yet I still need to drink more because I'm sooo thirsty.

69. My inability to distinguish the taste (er, grossness) between the cheapest beer and the classiest wine, coupled with the fact that I can't stand the taste of artificial sweetners no matter how good they claim to be, makes me wonder if I have some sort of heightened sense of taste when it comes to putting chemicals in my body.

70. I'm a dreamer. I want there to be fairies and UFOs and other intelligent life in the universe. Unicorns, vampires, werewolves. Life on other planets that is so far away I'll never know it in my lifetime is the only one I believe in though. Maybe UFOs. MAYBE.

71. My grand-pig was a convicted child molester. He honed his skills on my father and my sister. Now he's dead. Yay.

72. My mother's mother's family has a "book" about their lineage in America. They are supposedly descended from Scottish fisherman who somehow got lost and survived being blown across the Atlantic ocean to America.

73. I have 3 web pages, and I have so much fun with the HTML, I want to do more, but I can't think what else to make a page for. Instead, I already have my next 3 layouts for my diary all planned out.

74. Because of my "photographic" memory, I need to see things to learn. I don't learn well from just listening.

75. As far as I know, I've never been pregnant. I've read a few times that some ungodly number of pregnancies, like 80% end in miscarriages, before the mother even knows she's conceived. I think that's creepy.

76. The Big Island of Hawaii has a very active volcanic system. Earthquakes could be a daily occurance at times. But the earthquake here in Seattle this May was the scariest one I've ever been in. Some sort of instinctive fear wanted me to flee the building. And I almost did, until my coworkers all shouted at me not to do it, for fear of falling power lines. I've never heard of that until that day. I have never panicked in an earthquake before.

77. I love German chocolate cake, mostly because of the coconut. I just love coconut!

78. My family has always owned cats. ALWAYS. In Hawaii, we had more than 20 at certain points, because the wild ones would come mate with our cats and get pregnant or get them pregnant. Kitties everywhere! We didn't have the money to neutar all the animals, and I refused to let them be taken to a shelter, even the wild ones. Until one litter was born between a second-generation brother-sister mating. Almost the entire litter was deformed and dying. I cried when they came to take all the cats away but mine.

79. My mind does not believe in such a thing as constructive criticism. I'm very thin-skinned, but sometimes I try to pretend I'm not. I'm not very good at it.

80. I'm afraid of heights. But not flying - I like to watch all the things so far away and small. I am kind of afraid of plane crashes though. It might be a long time before I get on another plane after last week.

81. I started watching General Hospital when I was around 11, during the summer with my mom. Ryan's Hope, One Life to Live, and The Young and The Restless were eventually added during that summer. It wasn't until my Sophomore year at college, when everyone was making such a big deal out of "Tad's Return" that I started watching All My Children to see what the fuss was all about. It's now my favorite. I hate GH now. Ryan's Hope was cancelled long ago. Y&R seems to only be about a bunch of stupid teenages on a real-world show. OLTL killed off most of my favorite characters.

82. The first novel I ever read was a stupid romance called something horrible like "Swept from the Sea" or "Sea of Bliss" or some shit. I consumed it, and marched out into the living room to peruse my mother's bookshelf for more. I picked up "Interview with the Vampire", and the rest is history. I was 11.

83. I like to listen to classical music when I have a headache or when I'm stressed. Alot of it is very romantic. I cried from the power of the violin in the movie "The Red Violin".

84. I hate my hair. It's not straight. It's not curly. It kind of has a little wave to it. Just enough to be annoying. It's naturally a dull mousey brown. I dye it various shades of red, and sometimes straighten it with a blow dryer, but over the years I've learned to "train" it to be curly. If I work at it. If it's feeling generous. If it's not a month ending in "y". Yep, that's alot of "if"s.

85. *I* love fonts! My favorites used to be the ones that were like Old English script. My novel is written in Georgia. My new favorites are girlie ones with hearts or flowers, like "cheri" or "Kinkie", which I would force down everyone's throats if I could, but then Sweetie told me that everyone who reads my site has to have the font I specify, or it looks like shit and substitutes with something else. Hence, Verdana. I'm experimenting with Tahoma in my Slambook though, just to get a new look.

86. I cry very easily and often.

87. I loved "Puss in Boots" as a girl! Probably because it was about a cat...

88. *My* favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.

89. October is *my* favorite month.

90. *I* am a night owl. *I* hate mornings.

91. I generally don't like going out in public alone for anything. It took many years of Sweetie complaining that he couldn't stand shopping for me to try it alone. Now I can do it, but sometimes I still feel weird/scared about going to the mall alone. Eating alone at the mall I have only just learned to do. It feels pretty weird. But there are other people there doing it too, unlike at a restaurant, so it's ok.

92. I once freaked my mother out by asking her if I could kiss her goodnight like they do in the movies, and proceeded to open my mouth when she leaned down to kiss me. Thank GOD I didn't know you were supposed to do something with your tongue!

93. *I* read very slowly.

94. It's very hard to gross me out, but I try not to let anyone know, in case they take that as a hint to try. Case-in-point, I can read Anita Blake scenes where she's examing murder scenes while I eat my lunch. I don't usually get grossed out by gore-y movies, but I don't see much of a point to them, so I don't watch them. I like scarey movies, not bloody ones.

95. I was taller than most of my classmates until I moved permanently to WA in the 8th grade. I've been 5'6" since the 6th grade. Hawaiians and Asians are short kids, I guess. Over here on the mainland, I am either considered short or of average height.

96. I am big boned. Bracelets and watches sometimes don't fit. Anklets never fit, and most "chokers" don't fit around my neck.

97. When I was 12, I said I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. But I also wanted to be a rock star like Jem. Or a dancer like Jennifer Beals in "Flashdance". I also thought about being a hooker, because I wanted sex all the time. I realized this in the 4th grade. I had visions of lining up all the men in the world and fucking them one by one.

98. My Sweetie tries to encourage me - he acts like he believes I can do anything I want to do. But he's not very vocal about it. He doesn't push me. I'm the kind of person who needs to be pushed into the things that are good for me. He's more like "go for it" once I've told him I've decided to do something.

99. My mother was very similar. But she was there when I brought home report cards and stuff, so she was more vocal because she had more opportunity to be, giving me praise and encouragement when she saw I was already succeeding. She was one of those special moms who believed her daughter could be President if I wanted to be. Part of me wishes I had wanted to, just to prove her right.

100. I always wished I was psychic as a girl. I took stupid tests for it even. I'm not. Grr.

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