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#337 - Springfield, Illinois
07.07.03 @ 10:42 pm

Springfield, IL
July 4 to July 6

During the entire time we spent in Illinois, it was unbareably hot and humid. The Fourth of July weekend was no exception.

When this trip was being planned, Springfield sounded very exciting. I made wisecracks to people that the home of Lincoln is now the home to water parks. Well, it turned out to be one waterpark. One quite small waterpark. We never did go there, because it was too fucking HOT to be out in the sun! I didn't even know it was possibly for it to be too hot for a waterpark, but there it is. You couldn't have dragged me over there.

Instead, we had a nice lunch at Bob Evans (another first for me!), then hit the mall. You know it's hot outside when you're sweating inside the air-conditioned mall. I went to Hot Topic, and joked with a clerk (who had sexy facial piercings and a deliciously devilish goatee) that I had not found the women's section of Hot Topic, I'd found the fucking LITTLE GIRL'S section. The XL shirts looked smaller than the Smalls out at Lands End Outlet in Wisconsin. I went to a bookstore and bought the newest issue of The Advocate. The woman at the counter thought it was sweet, which bachelor would The bachelor choose in the upcoming Bravo reality TV show. I saw puppies for sale (Summer Puppy Sale!) displayed in plexiglass boxes. I bought a strapless bra to see if I can somehow wear the cute little sundress I bought a few weeks ago that seemed hopeless until I saw a pic of a lovely voluptuous woman in a strapless at the window of Lane Bryant.

Civilization is good. Puppy sales are bad.

After that and the heat, I was beat. Took a nap in our chilly hotel room. Which we were lucky not to have to share, after the mix-up. They had overbooked due to some FEMA people not leaving when they had estimated them to. We got back at them by being a very loud, rowdy group of roughly 50 people by Saturday.

Friday night we watched 2 different fireworks displays from the back of the hotel. We set off some little things we found at the grocery store. Nothing much seems to be legal anymore. Thankfully, you can still get sparklers. And pops. And not much else.

I realized one of my Husband's young cousins has no conscience. I tried to convince him that picking up a small frog to scare his female cousins wasn't scaring them, but was likely to induce a heart attack for the frog, and would he please put the poor thing back, and he just giggled at how cool he was being and walked away to find someone else to torment. This is the 10 year old with the knife/dagger/sword collection in his room. His sister is equally spoiled, having her room repainted every couple of months as her favorite color changes. But it's another cousin that goes into 9th grade in September that just boggles the mind. They let him get a perm and they have ordered him brown contacts because he can't stand people gushing over his beautiful blue eyes. These are just the highlights for these children. They really scare me.

I grew up spoiled at times too. But other times we were dirt-fucking-poor, and that did things to me. Taught me empathy. I really wonder how these kids are going to turn out if their every whim gets made reality by their parents. The things they're allowed to eat are really distressing. One refuses to eat anything but macaroni & cheese or hot dogs, and she's almost 10 years old already. Another is more obese than even I was at that age.

But enough about them. We had yummie sex after the fireworks. I had just finished up a book, a very hot book, with a very steamy scene where a woman gets introduced to anal sex for the first time in a shower. It's been ages since I was fucked in the ass.

I would like to relay details, but I can't seem to keep my eyes open.

The next day we went to see Lincoln's home, the place where he was told he'd received the Republican nomination for president, where he later was cheered by hundreds of his townfolk when he won the election. Cool stuff, but cooler air conditioning. It was so fucking hot outside. I'm told it didn't have air conditioning last time anyone was there.

I'm losing details. I remember the drive to Chicago was hell. We met our ride in a small town called Dwight. It was supposed to be a limo for 8 and their luggage. Luckily there were only 5 of us, because it was an old towncar. I was furious. Livid. Cranky. We'd gotten up especially early to be there on time. It was amazingly hot. The air conditioning didn't reach the back seat. We were practically on top of each other back there.

We arrived without me tearing anyone a new asshole. Braved security. I had pizza for lunch.

The plane was in the hanger for maintenance, and boarded something like an hour late. Then we sat on the runway for about 2.5 hours. Weather kept shutting down take-offs. When we finally were able to go, we could see all the other planes lined up behind us, and also on another runway. It was crazy. We arrived in Seattle 4 hours late.

I picked up my cat at 8:30am promptly this morning. He had never been boarded before. He survived it quite well. The woman pointed out that getting him spayed (what's the difference between spaying and neutering??????) will cut down on his disgusting pee smell. I made the consultation appointment about an hour later. His balls' days are numbered. He shouldn't have sneaked out that day and tried to impregnant everything with a pulse. Then I made all the other appointments I'd been putting off. Car. Carpet.

OK, I'm near to dropping. I think I shouldn't have put off dinner. I'm seeing spots. Could just be staring at the screen this long though. Adios.

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