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#174 - some updates
September 10, 2001 @ 5:31 pm


Update at 5:51pm: the gbookie is all pertied up, so go take a gander! And sign, sign, SIGN! xox

argh. I'm crashing hard. I got somewhere around 6.5 hours of sleep last night. That's bad. I believe that I need around 8, and I prefer 10. I meant to sleep later, but something woke me up at precisely 10am and I couldn't get right back to sleep, but I was tired enough to know that if I layed there long enough, I could fall asleep in 15-20 minutes, but I wasn't sure if I would then be able to wake up by 11. So I got up. And wrote an entry. And got alot of energy. And thought everything would be groovy.

Around 2:30 I started to crash. I can think of nothing I want more than to lay my head down on this desk and doze. Other than going home and curling up in bed and getting some actual sleep. Argh. Oh, and I'm hungry. Hmph. I ate too early, and there's no real food here. I'm going to starve before I can get home. I'm supposed to work out this evening, but I'm already starving, and my energy level is around -2. Argh summore. Grr too. *sigh* for good measure.

I saw pretty diaries all weekend, and was inspired to finally get off my lazy ass and change my layouts for my Slambook & Guestbook to match my diary. I decided this at 11:45pm last night. Bravenet, who hosts my Guestbook, takes down their servers from 12:00am-1:00am for backup. I was furiously trying to get shit together to make the change with them first. I uploaded my image, grabbed my snippet, grabbed font code, and went to login to Bravenet services at 11:50. I could've been done in 2-5 minutes, tops. They had shut down EARLY. Mother fuckers!

So I went over and fucked around with my Slambook for a long time. I haven't messed with it since I put it up. Now it looks cooler, and matches the Bettie Page theme. Hoo-rah! Plus, it's been bugging me how many virgins sign my Slambook, because it makes me wonder if a bunch of 12 year olds are stumbling upon it or something. Not that virginity is bad, but pre-teens signing my Slambook is weird, with the sexual content and all. So I made the first question ask their ages. I'm not gonna keep them from signing, but I would just like to know. Anyway, take a look over there, 'k? And re-sign if you like, whether it be to check out Bettie over & over, to take a crack at questions that weren't there before, or just because you love me. Because whatever the reason, it'll make me love YOU! xox

Um, I plan on changing the gbookie tonight. I've got my Bettie pic all uploaded & everything, I just need to find the time. In between getting off work, putting food into my stomach, taking a nap, and going to therapy. *sigh* A messed-up chick's work is never done! hehe.

Ahhh. Now I am at home, mostly full from a sandwich, and trying to stay awake in order to make my therapy appt. & be able to sleep at a decent time tonight. The volunteer coordinator at Lambert House emailed me back asking for my address, so he could mail me an info packet and application. He also mentioned there is a training in October. Woo-hoo! I'm on my way! Yay!!

Oh! Sweetie *still* hasn't gotten a contracting job (I am *so* impatient - he's only been looking for a week!), but it's looking like they're going to meet their goal very soon to get their investors to give them enough to go another 6 months. That would be KICK-ASS! Everyone cross your fingers!

you know you wanna join

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