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#161 - boring
September 05, 2001 @ 7:43 pm

I had an interesting dream last night. I don't know how many of you out there are aspiring writers, but it's one of THOSE dreams, where upon waking up you say to yourself that that dream would make a really cool story. And then later that day, you realize you are whacked out on drugs or something, because the dream makes NO SENSE!

I was protecting a little fairy girl. Who reminded me suspiciously of my sister. And all the other fairies were mean and vicious and wanted to steal her or harm her. I finally arrived at this party that the King was throwing, and asked to see the Prince. Suddenly I was Robin Wright Penn in the Princess Bride, and the Prince fell madly in love with me. But I had a mission. I asked him to protect my little fairy girl. He asked me why, who was I? I told him I was a fairy servant. Then he kind of freaked out, saying I was the enemy, but he couldn't resist me. He kept coming closer to kiss me. I told him that I wasn't the enemy, that my fairy girl was young and without the influence of the mean fairies, so if we raised her with kindness, she would grow up to be a good & kind fairy. And then I woke up.

I don't know. It sounds like it might make a nice premise or something, but the flashes of stuff in my mind just don't make any sense. They wanted to steal the fairy girl and send her into orbit or some weird shit.

went to the gym tonight. amazingly sexy non-Frat Boy was there. after he left I wanted to march over to the desk and ask the trainer he'd been talking with, "who was that delicious piece of honey-pie you were just conversing with?" I did not. I continued with my workout. *sigh*

Other than that, I have nothing to say. Am I getting boring? Naaaaaaaaah!

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