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#242 - quick update
12/13/01 @ 10:00 am

Eek. I keep wanting to update, to say anything to keep you guys interested & know that I'm not going to abandon you again, but I've been so BUSY!!! Work all day, leave work & buy presents, come home & wrap presents. I love the holidays, but sheesh! Some *me* time would be nice!

Anyway, in my moments of free time, I've taken some more annoying online quizzes to get cutesy banners to put on my diary. hehe. They're at the bottom. But before that, last night I was rediscovering the coolest shareware program ever, Holiday Lights. They make both PC & Mac versions now, so everyone can join in the fun! Trust me, yer gonna love it, even if just for 5 minutes!

Also, Heatherstrip waited weeks to go between updates, only to put up a link. I followed the link and I must say, what a find! Everyone MUST go check out Adam "that crazy british kid". It's his personal site, not a diary, but under "news" he updates quite regularly like a journal. He's pretty funny.

Finally, I am a slob. An evil, evil lazy slob. I need to do some shit with Wish, and I haven't. In the meantime, I am going to advertise 2 new entries here, so everyone go read them, coz they're both damn good: Tiara and Jess. Everyone play nice, coz these are Tiara's & Jess' first submissions ever.

Anyway, here are the quizzes. Sorry this is such a lame entry, but at least I provided you with lots of interesting links to try out, right? Love to you all.

I am 30% British, just like
Just as happy in LA or London. Aren't the narrow roads in the UK quaint.

Take the Brit Quiz at
Quiz written by Daz

Which Evil Criminal are You?

Strawberry: 80/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 10/100 Tomato: 10/100 Lemon: 0/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by webkin and aaronr!



If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Galadriel, Elf, Queen of Lothlorien, wife of Celeborn and grandmother of Arwen.

In the movie, I am played by Cate Blanchett.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test  with Perseus Web Survey Software

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