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#240 - full weekend
12/10/01 @ 10:06 am

Yes, I am still avoiding discussing the "yuckiness" that occurred earlier this month. Bite me. I've been busy.

Last night we met up with JP & SL for dinner, as a make-up celebration for her birthday, after completely forgetting to attend her birthday party last month. Was it our fault that he sent out the emailed invitations 3 days before hand?

Went to a little Indian restaurant that had really good food, except mine, of course. I keep trying to find something as good as Sahib, and just keep ordering the wrong thing! Everyone else at the table had yummie food (I know, I tried it!), while I had crap. I don't think it's the restaurant's fault, they all just seem to put in this one spice that I *really* don't like but that I can't name to ask if it's there or not! I miss Sahib!

We had a nice time at dinner. Sweetie was right, they were not prepared when we showed up with their Christmas present! Ha! Serves them right for continuously upping the stakes in the present game! Ha!

After dinner, and after we had parted company, we decided it was so early we would go see a movie. We tried to call them, but they didn't have their cell phone on them. We headed downtown to catch Harry Potter. It was really good, and everything that I expected, since I haven't read the books. Lots of cool effects, an interesting story, and the kid who played Harry was really good. At the end, I was already wondering what the next movies would be like! And, of course, Alan Rickman was YUMMIE!!!

Saturday... That was the day I finished the Christmas shopping. I braved malls! I must have spent over an hour at Target, trying desperately to find something for my brother, and picking up a million trinkets for my nieces. I bought them so many little things, I think the boxes I bought for their main presents aren't going to be big enough, and I'll have to buy some bigger ones now! Sheesh! I guess I'm just happy to have little girls to buy stuff for.

Saturday night. Hehe. Sweetie's company XMAS party. All 3 of them, plus wives. No kids present. The men got quite drunk, and we all had some pot. I was voted "most improved" at the pot inhalation circle, since I didn't choke this time and cough it all back up. I took a giant gulp and held it forever. And as far as I could tell, nothing happened. Oh well. At least that left me sober for dinner. Which was *quite* interesting.

We all sat down & someone asked if we would say grace. We were at the CEO's house, & he turned to Sweetie & giggled as he said that Sweetie was an atheist, so would he do it? I was so insulted, I chirped up that *I* would like to say grace. Of course, CV & SJ were so damn drunk, they couldn't stop chattering, and decided that it would be grace or something you were thankful for, and everyone would get a turn as we held hands. It was very sweet, everyone holding hands. SJ was so drunk, he got tears in his eyes when CV was finished. Of course, I was last, and I admonished them for leaving me last, because they wouldn't like what I had to say. Then I went on to say that I don't believe in God or the afterlife, so I think we're all wormfood when we die. They took it very well, but wouldn't let me finish until they had drunkenly chattered some more, then they finally trusted me to finish. I said that because I was last, I thought I would add that although I don't believe in God, I believe in people, and I believed in the people here around me tonight, and I was thankful to have them here with me. Everyone was very happy with that.

Oh, but the conversation didn't end there! We had these cards around the dinner table, from the game "Life Stories". They're just suggestions for you to tell some story about yourself. Almost immediately, CV's wife picked the card that said, "How did your parents influence your spirituality?", because she wanted her husband to answer it. But while he was composing himself, I couldn't help but chime in, "My father helped ruin my faith in God." Hehe. Oh, it was going to be a brilliant night...

CV went on to say how his Dad died when he was 14, and so he turned to god. And then everyone wanted to know about my Dad. And it went downhill from there. I kept wondering if I should just shut up, but CV wouldn't let it go. I never did tell them the sins that I hold against my father, but CV was shocked to know that if my dad died tomorrow, I would be happy. He kept saying be true to yourself, that once he was gone, there would be no more communication, no way to say what hadn't been said. He just couldn't conceive that my father wasn't his father, even though I said so. At one point I think he was trying to say something about "parental choices", and I was going to have to freak out if he implied that it was merely bad parenting that I would call my father evil for. Because it's so much more than that. He was drunk, and wasn't making very coherent sentences. He seemed fine, until he tried to put complex ideas out on the table, that turned into long-winded speeches that didn't really make sense!

I tried everything I could to explain to CV, as everyone was completely silent, until finally Sweetie suggested we change the topic. And that was about the time that I noticed that SJ was falling asleep at the table. He went up to the bathroom and stayed there for the next 2 hours. The rest of the night, every 5 minutes or so we would wonder if we should check on him. Sometimes someone would go up and we would laugh at the new sleeping position he was in. Or we would pass on checking and just laugh imaging what he was doing.

Yes, it was an interesting evening! The next morning I asked my Sweetie if there was anything I should have done differently about the dinner conversation. I kept feeling like I should just shut up, but CV wouldn't leave it alone, he kept talking. Sweetie said that's what he does, he never stops talking, and he wasn't upset with me, and didn't think there was anything I could have done differently. And, thankfully, SJ was passed out or puking for most of the night, so he's the one who's going to catch hell at work today!! hehe

Finally, in this backwards retelling of the weekend, we come to Friday. We didn't do anything Friday night, just ate in and watched Dark Angel and Law & Order SVU. But I stayed quite late at work on Friday, because I was frantically searching for all sorts of things to submit for a reimbursement program. There's a big deadline coming up to spend over $8k, and we're having a meeting on Monday with an Apple rep to go over how the program works & how to submit for it. But in the meantime, Bossman wanted me to have all my materials ready before the meeting, so the two of us met Friday afternoon. I have to say, I felt special, going into the conference room, just the two of us to work on this. Finally, I was important enough to warrant locking the rest of the office out! OK, so we didn't even close the door, and he was 15 minutes late from dealing with an irrate customer, but you see the point, right? I've just been feeling so... inadequate, and left out when CK gets to go on lunches with the bosses, that it was nice to be singled out for my own meeting. OK, I'm a loser, bite me!

Anyway, that meeting is in 2 hours, so I'm going in early to try to get some work done before I have to go to the meeting, so I need to wrap this up. Hope everyone had a splendid weekend!

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