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#190 - America the ugly
September 24, 2001 @ 6:05 pm


This is not the America I know and love.

Suddenly, The Skies Are Unfriendly
Last week, three Arab Americans were taken off a Northwest Airlines flight going from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City. There were taken off the plane because the other passengers weren't "comfortable" about flying with them. In fact, those other passengers refused to fly if the Arab Americans were left on the plane.

Network Drops Certain Songs After Attacks
In the wake of last week's terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, one radio network is recommending its stations not play "lyrically questionable" music and has issued a list of 150 songs it says should be off the air for the time being. For the list, go

Arson Attempt At Tacoma Synagogue Foiled
An arson attempt at the city's only synagogue resulted in minor damage after a neighbor reported suspicious activity over the weekend... firefighters found two fire-starting logs at 12:46 a.m., one burning under a main gas line next to the synagogue and the other about 50 feet away in another corner near the building".

People were removed from an airplane because of their skin color - to meet the demands of their fellow passengers. One out of every 10 radio stations across America can't play the songs "American Pie", "Bridge Over Troubled Water", and an outrageously long list of others. And here in Seattle, where our Mosques have been targeted for weeks by vandals, a local synagogue has suffered it's 3rd attack in a week. They say there was little damage. But you don't put a flaming log against the gas line of a building unless you want to blow it up.

Already, our humanity is seeping away. Let's stop turning on each other like a pack of wild dogs. Loyalty is great. Pro-American sentiment is appropriate. Turning on your neighbors and censoring speech goes against everything America stands for. Stop the insanity. Focus on helping your neighbors get through this, not adding to the victims. See that one shoved on the floor getting trampled? That's the Bill of Rights. Let's help it back up and dust it off. This isn't doing us any good.

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