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#273 - izallgood
05/3/02 @ 3:05 pm

howdy. I thought I'd try and pound out an update while at work. Totally bored out of my mind, wanting to do ANYTHING other than work. Gratefully, bosses our out of the office for many hours, so hopefully I won't get in *too* much trouble for fucking about for a bit.

I have been in a generally happy mood all week. It's been very nice. Husband is nifty, as usual, if a bit sick. Had horrible bout with food poisoning last weekend as well. But it's the rest that's made me quite perky. Like redesigning my website. And getting completely sidetracked most of the time nosing around the web looking for content. There's alot of neat-o stuff out there. I've finally commanded myself to finish this one tiny side-project, and devout the rest of the weekend to changing over the site to the new layout so it can be up by Sunday night. Should not need 48 hours for that, so I think I'm good. Then, when the new layout is all up, I can continue messing around with adding content and admiring other people's sites and trying to figure out how to incorporate those nifty things they do! weeeeeeeeee!!!

So, my current obsession is BLINKIES!!! I've been obsessed with little collectable buttons to link to your friends and favorite sites with, to the point of making 1 for here that I keep forgetting to put up, and I'm at a total of 4 for my personal website. Not that anyone would ever link me! But if they did, it's there. And then I stumbled up it: the most enviable creation of all: blinkies!!! Watching those little letters go left right, right left. weeeeee! You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? I will have to grab one and smack it up here as an example. Just a sec'.

There ya go. That's an example, and it leads back to the place that I learned how to make them. So now you can make your own!!!

Except, it's not that easy. You have to have at least 2 programs: a paint program like Photoshop, and an animation program. There are lots of options, including free ones, that everyone mentions that they make their blinkies and buttons and dolls and stuff on, but none of them are for the MAC. Poo! Finally, I realized I was being a moron, and decided to check google, and I found one. It's called GiffBuilder, and it's free!!!!!

Oh, MAN, but I'm boring you all to tears, now aren't I?

Anyway, that's my life. Visiting girlie sites, working on images, making layouts, looking for content, envying layouts, and wishing I had no morals so I could STEAL. hehe. Because I am soooooooooo not artistic. Bah. Grr.

Ummm... Hmmm. Kinda boring life lately. We were going to try to go to Hawaii, but that's just not working out. Sweetie's dad had a timeshare available, but we just can't afford the airfare and the other expenses. *sigh* Still saving for the house and paying off credit card debt.

Right now at work is kind of interesting. I was very overwhelmed about a month ago when I was assigned a new task: to organize, implement, and just over-all command everything necessary for our appearance at a trade show that's now 3 weeks away. You would not believe the packet of info I was given by the trade show organizer. I was in shock to the point of holding back tears and wondering if I should quit. Advertising was the one thing that my ex-coworker did that I definitely did not want to take over when she left, and little by little they've given me some of it, but really miniscule: no designing or contracting ads or anything. But this. ARGH! I knew it was a big job, but it was truly frightening to look at all the order forms in the packet! I mean, just to have a standard booth, we have to order electricity and carpeting. And they have all sorts of add-ons like furniture and booth-constructs and FLOWERS for gods sake! It's fucking crazy how much they try and get out of you, and even crazier to think what the BIG mega-corps spend on events like this. There are a few companies at Mac World every year that not only have a huge space on the floor, but also reserve whole suites at a nearby hotel just to have parties & meet-n-greets. Talk about MONEY!!!! holy shit!

None of that going on here, thank god! Or NOB, whatever.

Then there's the big news. I am officially a volunteer at a Seattle elementary school. Holy Crap Batman! I started Tuesday, and I couldn't wipe the grin off my face the first 15 minutes while I met people and took the tour. That was quickly followed by the homework-help session where I realized I may know grammar, but I don't know what the rules are CALLED. Does anyone here know what superlative means? I was freaking until I saw that hand written under the directions it pointed out that you needed to write the -er & -est version of the adverb. Lofty -> loftier -> loftiest. Yay! I can do 4th grade grammar! Woo-hoo! Now THAT would have been embarrassing if I'd fucked that up!

So I went Tuesday and yesterday, and that will be my schedule until the end of the school year, which I think they said is 5 more weeks. I hadn't even thought of that when I signed up, that it would be ending soon. I have no idea what I'll do once that happens, but I'll think about that later.

And soon, I need to start thinking about this fall. Contacting the community college and getting this evil interview over so I can enter the program. I want to wait a few weeks and get a few more sessions at the school under my belt though, so I can look more dedicated and get in good with these people so I can use them as references if and when I need them.

That's another thing, the people I've met at the program are great. Some of the volunteers are quiet, and I think those are the high-school students. The volunteer who got me involved in this is a nice guy, but so YOUNG. He's from VISTA, a program set up to work in your community to earn money for college. The leader of the whole group is a nice guy with a great big smile, but he totally commands respect and authority when he wants it. And my gaydar went of like mad, so snaps there. Instantly felt better knowing there's someone not-quite "in" at the helm of things, if that makes any sense. Then there's this lovely woman, big and round with a sassy mouth, I can just tell, but so far she has not sworn in front of me. I think maybe because her kid is in the program. I became instantly devoted to her, and this little girl I tutored on the first day. It's an effort for me not to follow one of them around the entire time. But I think I'm doing quite well.

So I really like it. Which makes me excited for the future. Still wish I could do a teaching-certificate program instead of a early education program, but I think I'll do fine in it, and it's more experience, and that can't hurt!

Anyway, I have now wasted LOTS of time at work, so I should end this here. I would like to do a personal, highly introspective entry about how it's been a year since I've been on d-land, but that's just not gonna happen while I'm at work. Maybe I can fit that in this weekend?

Love you all. xox